Saturday, October 26, 2013

I haven't been blogging in a while because I have been doing a bit of exploring with techniques and trying to find my groove again.  I have been finding that my art was becoming stagnant and I was not growing as an artist.  My tight realistic style was actually stiffling me and I wasn't enjoying it as I once was.  I have moved away from still life and have been doing a lot of landscapes.  I always found that when I painted landscapes with a brush I was too finicky and fussy and was never happy with the results.  Well all that has changed - I have discovered the PALETTE KNIFE.  I am enjoying painting like I never have before and I can actually call myself a daily painter now.  I do at least one if not two paintings a day! The palette knife is my new best friend.  I absolutely LOVE have liberated and creative I feel when I sit down to paint.  My style is slowly emerging and I see it changing almost daily.  Here are some collages of a few of the paintings I have done over the past 5 months or so.  I have painted at least 50 small 8 x 10 inch panels.  This is a great size to do with the knife because it doesn't take me all day to finish one painting.



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